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Purple Potatoes

Purple Potatoes


small to medium-size; oblong to fingerling; deep purple, blue or slightly red skin; blue, purple lavender, pink or white flesh


moist; firm flesh. Note–all blue and purple Peruvian varieties have higher starch content and a floury texture


earthy, nutty, low sugar content

Best Served

Cooking with

Purple Potatoes

40+ recipes with purple potatoes

Most blue/purple potatoes have moist, firm flesh that retains its shape while adding rich, vibrant color and luscious taste to salads. The purple color is preserved best by microwaving but steaming and baking are also great ways to cook purple potatoes. Because of their mild yet distinctly nutty flavor, blue/purple potatoes naturally complement green salad flavors. Red, White, and Blues—Combine blue potatoes with whites and reds in salads or roasted medleys to make all three colors “pop”.

Potato Nutritional Benefits

Did you know that potatoes provide the carbohydrate, potassium, and energy you need to perform at your best? Potatoes are more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable and have even more potassium than a banana. Download the potato nutrition label.

Potato Nutrition Label

Cooking with Purple Potatoes

Most blue/purple potatoes have moist, firm flesh that retains its shape while adding rich, vibrant color and luscious taste to salads. The purple color is preserved best by microwaving, but steaming and baking are also great ways to cook blue/purple potatoes. Because of their mild yet distinctly nutty flavor, blue/purple potatoes naturally complement green salad flavors.