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Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling Potatoes


2-4 inches long; finger-shaped or oblong; red, orange, purple or white skin; red orange, purple, yellow or white flesh–sometimes streaked with veins of color


waxy, firm


buttery; nutty; earthy; medium sugar content

Best Served

Cooking with

Fingerling Potatoes

40+ Recipes with Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling color and shape are a welcome visual addition to any dish. Pan-frying and roasting enhances their robust flavor and showcases their wonderful nutty or buttery tastes. Consider fingerlings as a change-of-pace foundation for a unique potato salad. Split fingerlings lengthwise and oven-roast to serve as a small-plate or side-dish alternative to fries. Accompany them with a flavorful dipping sauce, like spicy ketchup, romesco, or sriracha mayo.

Potato Nutritional Benefits

Did you know that potatoes provide the carbohydrate, potassium, and energy you need to perform at your best? Potatoes are more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable and have even more potassium than a banana. Download the potato nutrition label.

Potato Nutrition Label

Cooking with Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling color and shape are a welcome visual addition to any dish. Pan-frying and roasting enhance their robust flavor and showcase their wonderful nutty or buttery tastes.